
Sunday, February 5, 2023

Differentiation with Technology

 Differentiation with Technology

            According to Lumen, incorporating technology into the classroom can benefit and support learning and teaching practices. Technology is first introduced when using the Promethean board. The Promethean board is touch screen and big enough for all students to see. Students were able to listen to songs by Jack Hartmann that focuses on coin recognition and its value. During station time, students are able to use SEESAW to work on the activities that focus on coins. Students enjoy playing the games on the iPads. Students are engaged in their learning doing activities that they are interested in and that promote differentiation.


How Technology Engages Students


            Students are distracted and their attention spans are a lot shorter, so it is important to make sure that students are engaged in the classroom. Technology can bring a high level of engagement, but it is important to make sure that students know how to use technology correctly and know about the safety of the internet. My district makes monitoring students easy by restricting the access to inappropriate websites. On the iPad, I also have access to limit what apps the students get on for a period of time. This setting allows me to control what my students are doing during stations while I am teaching small group. According to Tech Ed, when introducing technology to children, adults should model behaviors such as using technology to promote positive interaction instead of allowing it to interfere with interactions, designating and enforcing face-to-face time that is free of interruptions, and using technology together before allowing children to use it independently. I always make sure to model the activities I want my students to complete, so they know what they are doing. 


How Technology promotes global awareness or diverse cultural perspectives


According to NEA, global citizenship nurtures respect and tolerance for others, global awareness, and empathy. The classroom is very diverse, so students have to appreciate others around them. The good thing about SEESAW, is there is a community of activities meaning there are so many activities created by others. Students begin to take appreciation for others work. 






Office of Educational Technology, (2023). Guiding principles for use of technology with early learners. Office of Educational Technology.


NEA. (2022). Teaching global citizenship in the classroom. National Educational Association.


Student Success. (2023). How to increase student engagement with technology. Chalk.