
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Assessing Technology-Based Resources for Differentiation


Assessing Technology-Based Resources for Differentiation

Technology is very important to our everyday life, and it should be used in the classroom almost daily. Technology creates a different way to give instruction and interact with students. All students are given the opportunity to get their learning style met when technology is incorporated. Students need to know the correct way to use technology since there are so many resources out there, some good and bad. According to Concordia University, students become active participants in the learning process by using technology in the classroom. Students enjoy playing games, working online, and learning more about the world about them. In the primary classroom, I think it is important to have age-appropriate technology tools and sites for students to use. I would like to take a dig through three that I currently use in my classroom that supports my students and their parents. The three that help me differentiate learning the best are Smarty Ants, Handwriting without tears, and Google Classroom.

Brief Description of Technology Tools

Smarty Ants makes differentiation easy because it creates a path for students based on the current skills of the student. Their ant (coach) leads them through animated lessons and activities while providing encouragement throughout their “play time”. Google classroom makes it easy to keep in contact with students and parents. Google classroom allows for collaboration to take place, multiple tools to be used at one time and in the same place, and students are given the opportunity to learn in the way that works for them with accessibility settings. Handwriting without tears focuses on students enhancing their writing skills starting from Pre-K-5th grade. HWT is great for all learners because of its different components.

Breakdown of each technology

            Smarty Ants can be provided by the district as resource for students to advance in literacy skills at their own pace. Smarty Ants is very user friendly for students and teachers. Students have their ant (coach) guide them through the app as they progress on. Smarty Ants app also makes it easy to look at the data for the students to differentiate small group to work on skills the student may be lacking on. Students being on their own learning path and their own learning goal helps students get to where they need to be.

Google Classroom has so many benefits and can used for free by anyone who wants to make it apart of their classroom. Apps like Smarty Ants can be integrated into the classroom to make accessible for home and school. Google classroom can be accessed through many devices with all information needed up front. This makes communication between teacher, student, and parent convenient. Differentiation of lessons or activities can be achieved easily because assignments can be uploaded whole group or individualized.

Handwriting without tears program can be bought by the district to enhance writing skills for students of all elementary years. It is easy to use for teachers and students. Teachers can use the online portion to sing songs with students and videos modeling how to correctly write a letter. The students can use the app to practice their wet, dry, erase activity which is an extension to the hands-on model and workbook edition.

How each selected technology differentiates for readiness, interest, and learning styles

            I think that all of these programs have their positives that will differentiate instruction by readiness, interest, and learning styles. Engagement and proper use will keep students motivated to learn in the classroom. According to Stern, differentiated instruction will allow students to feel successful and empower them to become lifelong learners.

Smarty Ants starts students off with their own level as an individualized test is given to see where they are. Students are working at their pace, so they are always ready to work on the skills needed. I think this app sparks interest as well because students get to play the games, they want which will keep them engaged and eager to learn. Multiple learning styles can be reached because students are able to hear, touch, read, and talk all throughout the app experience.

Google Classroom makes differentiation easy because of the ability to incorporate many virtual manipulatives, songs, videos, and worksheets tailored to the whole class or student’s individual. With the variety of options students can explore multiple learning styles and find out what is best for them. I think Google classroom keeps students’ interest with the endless of possibilities.

Handwriting without tears works at the pace of the student as well. Students can work on specific lessons as they chose in the app which will keep them interested. Students love to play the songs that go along with the letter. Handwriting without tears should follow them from Pre-K to 5th grade, so readiness for the specific skill goes along with their age and levels.

Instructional Strategies

            All of these platforms allow for some collaboration to take place with peers. Peer interaction is an instructional strategy that should be used when using technology because someone can be put in charge of help questions and support. According to PowerSchool, with the help of edtech, collaborative learning in the classroom can be more engaging and productive. Immediate feedback is also an instructional strategy students will benefit from when using this apps. The teacher is able to view what the student is doing and go over in small group or send right back through the apps.

Promotes learning and creates ownership

            I think Smarty Ants promotes learning at the students own pace and makes students responsible for their learning because they have to show mastery in a skill before moving on. Smarty Ants will mix it up so the student does not get discouraged with doing something they do not understand over and over. When Smarty Ants is used in the classroom, reading scores go up and the need for reading intervention goes down. Handwriting without tears promotes learning growth and makes students responsible for their learning because it shows in upper grade levels for state writing test. Work should be eligible to be considered and it starts at Pre-K with letter formation correctly. As students progress, the songs begin to play in their mind to form the letters.


            Technology can be a hassle sometimes but it allows for different types of learning to take place in the classroom while the teacher deals with small group instruction in person. Technology has the power to send immediate feedback despite what the teacher is doing. It is important to prepare our students for the real-world and correct technology implementation will help our students. Technology allows for multiple learning styles to be incorporated at one time and that’s what our students need to be successful in most subjects.




Achieve3000. (2022). Turn young learners into independent readers with smarty ants. Achieve3000.

Concordia University. (2021). 3 reasons why teachers need to use technology in the classroom. Concordia University.

Learning without Tears. (2022). Handwriting without tears. Learning without tears.

Lynch, M. (2018). 10 benefits of google classroom integration. The Tech Edvocate.

PowerSchool. (2021). 5 ways to develop an instructional strategy using technology. PowerSchool.

Stern, J. (2015). Enhancing learning through differentiated technology. Edutopia.



1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thank you for your post. I have not used Smarty Ants before, and I did not know that Handwriting Without Tears had gone digital! Thank you for that information and I look forward to passing that information on.

    Google Classroom can definitely help to differentiate lessons. You can assign groups of students different levels of work or practice, or assign a different sort of manipulative to use. There is also a function to have things read orally to the student. These types of activities and resources can be used across the subject areas. One example that can be used is posting the link of a 'thin slides' using the Slideshow and assigning a student a slide number. Students will go in and insert a picture, description, and/or a synopsis of how they spent their spring break. Tier 1 should be able to complete all of those activities and possibly share several activities, Tier 2 might only insert a picture with a sentence description, and Tier 3 should be able to insert a picture and a word or short phrase. This lesson can be used for 1st or 2nd grade, and the slideshow can be shared in class. Students have something to share about how they spent their week and all students are included.

    As you said in your post, students need to feel comfortable with the technology. This type of differentiation can be used if students have had prior experience with using googles slides.
